Antelope Pool Service

Antelope Pool service

Antelope, CA

5404 Heathercreek Place, Antelope, CA 95843

A suburb of both Roseville and Sacramento, Antelope is a nice community on the border of the north expansive side of Sacramento, CA. We have been doing pool service along Watt Ave and Don Julio Blvd for over 15 years.

Its can be a great day in when you call Dynamic Services aka Pool Service Antelope! My name is Nicholas Chaffee and I like to add personal touches throughout my business. Many of our customers agree that with a variety of swimming pool maintenance services out there its hard to to keep a mind as clear as your pool. No need to worry anymore, if you shoot me a call I will guarantee to soften the agony of interviewing 100 different pool guys throughout Antelope. and in working order all year long.

Swimming Pool Repair, Service, & Maintenance

Pool Service Antelope is a family owned and operated full service pool maintenance and service company in Antelope, ca. We have many types of client services to fit your needs and budget. A detailed list of services, pricing, and payment methods is on the pool service page of this website. As well as weekly maintenance, cleaning, and chemical balancing, we also make service calls in the event you have an equipment malfunction to keep you enjoying your investment all year round.

We service residential and commercial swimming pools in the area around Walegra Rd and Don Julio Blvd in Antelope, Ca. Pool Service Antelope specializes in customer service and understand that keeping your pool chemically balanced is essential for the longevity of your equipment. We also do motor replacements, plumbing repair, and anything else needed to keep your pool looking it’s best. We are always open to suggestions as to how we can better serve our clients and are available 24/7 to help you in any way possible.

Pool Service & Maintenance in Antelope... Only a Buck Away
Pool Service & Maintenance in Antelope… Only a Buck Away
5404 Heathercreek Place Antelope CA 95842
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