Tag Archives: Sand

It’s That Time Again

Every ten years something needs to be replaced on a swimming pool pad, and it can be costly. But how can you keep that cost as low as possible, for as long as possible ? My vote is a Sand Filter. But instead of spending time trying to show you my bias let me show you your options and let the decision be only yours.

Intial Cost

The initial cost is supposed to represent the cost of the unit plus a standard installation fee. I will outline three evenly matched filters to show the benefit of each as well as the costs. Note these are all manufactured by Pentair. And in my opinion this is the only manufacture I would install, as they have the lowest cost replacement parts as well as the longest warranty; 3 years. Also note we will cover the cost of ownership over time later, but for now; start-up cost.

  • Sand Filter: SD-80 $775
  • Cartridge Filter: System 3 400SQFT $1275
  • Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) System 3 S8D110 $1175